Rabu, 17 Juli 2019

Knowledge of Front Office

  • Spelling Board

  • Numerical 
  • Direction
  • Product knowledge
  • Body language
  • Magic word
  • English
Front Office
  • Registration Card ==> sebuah kartu atau formulir pendaftaran yang digunakan untuk mencatat informasi tentang data diri tamu yang menginap pada saat kedatangan. registration card ini bervariasi dan memiliki layout yang berbeda-beda tergantung hotelnya walau isi data yang didapat sama saja.

Hasil gambar untuk registration card hotel
  • Guest Card ==> dikeluarkan oleh penerima tamu untuk diberikan kepada tamu yang menginap sebagai bukti bahwa dia menginap dihotel.kartu ini diberikan kepada tamu saat sudah terisi dan dijelaskan oleh petugas kepada tamu untuk memastikan pesanan apakah sesuai dengan yang tamu harapkan.
Hasil gambar untuk guest card hotel
  • Key Holder
Hasil gambar untuk key holder hotel
  • Key CardHasil gambar untuk key card hotel
  • Reservation Form ==> formulir yang digunakan untuk mencatat pesanan tamu
Hasil gambar untuk reservation form hotel adalah
  • Hotel Competitor
  • Bellboy Errand Card
  • Bellboy Control Sheet
  • Night Audit Report
Hasil gambar untuk contoh hotel payment
  • cash ; local curencies,forex,bilyet giro,travel cheque.
  • credit card; amex,visa,master,JCB,BCA,dinner club.
  • T / A voucher.
  • guarantee letter.
  • city ledger.
  • payment gate away.
  • debit card.
  • internet transaction.

  • group resume / group sales arrangement
  • banquet event order
  • inquiry letter
  • confirmation letter
  • regret letter

  • credit faciality form

Communicate on the Phone
  • what is the communicate on the phone?
  • what is kind the type of the phone?
  • how we are greeting on the phone?
  • how we spell guest name?
  • how we are connecting the phone?
  • how we are taking a message for guest?
  • how we found the guest name by guest in house?
The task of Operator Telephone
  • handling calls
  • making a call
  • taking messages
  • internal phone directory
  • on hold music
  • paging system
  • wake up call
  • do not disturb and silent bookings
  • room cut off
  • guest faxes
  • mail and guest mail
  • emergency calls
  • in house movie system
  • taking the order
  • may i have your name please?
  • may i know whi i am speaking to please?
  • may i spell your name/guest please?
  • alright, Mr.Brown, let me check Mr. John is staying with us or not
  • alright Mr. Brown i will transfer to Mr. John room number
  • certainly, transfering you call now
  • thank you for waiting
  • i am sorry the line is busy are you happy to hold?
  • i a  sorry Mr, John line is going to voicemail. are you happy to be transferred to voicemail or shall i take a message?
  • may i have a contact telephone number for you please?
  • may i have a message?
  • just to reconfirm your message
  • is there anything more i can do for you today? thank you for calling ........... goodbye
  • is thereanything further i can assisst you with today Mr. Wong, well thak you for calling............i wish a pleasant day
Customers Expectation
  1. to feel welcome and respected
  2. to be dealt with friendly,efficient and courteous manner
  3. to received help and assistant when needed
  4. to be in clean , comfortable surroundings
  5. to feel important-to be recognised and remembered
  6. to be listened to and understood
  1. greeting 
  2. identify the guest
  3. transfer call
  4. taking message
  5. recap
  6. last greeting and assistance